
The motivation for this package is to provide functions which help with the development and tuning of machine learning models in biomedical data where the sample size is frequently limited, but the number of predictors may be significantly larger (P >> n). While most machine learning pipelines involve splitting data into training and testing cohorts, typically 2/3 and 1/3 respectively, medical datasets may be too small for this, and so determination of accuracy in the left-out test set suffers because the test set is small. Nested cross-validation (CV) provides a way to get round this, by maximising use of the whole dataset for testing overall accuracy, while maintaining the split between training and testing.

In addition typical biomedical datasets often have many 10,000s of possible predictors, so filtering of predictors is commonly needed. However, it has been demonstrated that filtering on the whole dataset creates a bias when determining accuracy of models (Vabalas et al, 2019). Feature selection of predictors should be considered an integral part of a model, with feature selection performed only on training data. Then the selected features and accompanying model can be tested on hold-out test data without bias. Thus, it is recommended that any filtering of predictors is performed within the CV loops, to prevent test data information leakage.

This package enables nested cross-validation (CV) to be performed using the commonly used glmnet package, which fits elastic net regression models, and the caret package, which is a general framework for fitting a large number of machine learning models. In addition, nestedcv adds functionality to enable cross-validation of the elastic net alpha parameter when fitting glmnet models.

nestedcv partitions the dataset into outer and inner folds (default 10 x 10 folds). The inner fold CV, (default is 10-fold), is used to tune optimal hyperparameters for models. Then the model is fitted on the whole inner fold and tested on the left-out data from the outer fold. This is repeated across all outer folds (default 10 outer folds), and the unseen test predictions from the outer folds are compared against the true results for the outer test folds and the results concatenated, to give measures of accuracy (e.g. AUC and accuracy for classification, or RMSE for regression) across the whole dataset.

A final round of CV is performed on the whole dataset to determine hyperparameters to fit the final model to the whole data, which can be used for prediction with external data.

Variable selection

While some models such as glmnet allow for sparsity and have variable selection built-in, many models fail to fit when given massive numbers of predictors, or perform poorly due to overfitting without variable selection. In addition, in medicine one of the goals of predictive modelling is commonly the development of diagnostic or biomarker tests, for which reducing the number of predictors is typically a practical necessity.

Several filter functions (t-test, Wilcoxon test, anova, Pearson/Spearman correlation, random forest variable importance, and ReliefF from the CORElearn package) for feature selection are provided, and can be embedded within the outer loop of the nested CV.




Importance of nested CV

The following simulated example demonstrates the bias intrinsic to datasets where P >> n when applying filtering of predictors to the whole dataset rather than to training folds.

## Example binary classification problem with P >> n
x <- matrix(rnorm(150 * 2e+04), 150, 2e+04)  # predictors
y <- factor(rbinom(150, 1, 0.5))  # binary response

## Partition data into 2/3 training set, 1/3 test set
trainSet <- caret::createDataPartition(y, p = 0.66, list = FALSE)

## t-test filter using whole test set
filt <- ttest_filter(y, x, nfilter = 100)
filx <- x[, filt]

## Train glmnet on training set only using filtered predictor matrix
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loaded glmnet 4.1-8
fit <- cv.glmnet(filx[trainSet, ], y[trainSet], family = "binomial")

## Predict response on test set
predy <- predict(fit, newx = filx[-trainSet, ], s = "lambda.min", type = "class")
predy <- as.vector(predy)
predyp <- predict(fit, newx = filx[-trainSet, ], s = "lambda.min", type = "response")
predyp <- as.vector(predyp)
output <- data.frame(testy = y[-trainSet], predy = predy, predyp = predyp)

## Results on test set
## shows bias since univariate filtering was applied to whole dataset
##          Reference
## Predicted  0  1
##         0 22  5
##         1  4 19
##               AUC            Accuracy   Balanced accuracy   
##            0.9167              0.8200              0.8189

## Nested CV
fit2 <- nestcv.glmnet(y, x, family = "binomial", alphaSet = 7:10 / 10,
                      filterFUN = ttest_filter,
                      filter_options = list(nfilter = 100))
## Nested cross-validation with glmnet
## Filter:  ttest_filter 
## Final parameters:
##    lambda      alpha  
## 0.0002116  0.7000000  
## Final coefficients:
## (Intercept)         V99       V3223       V9456      V12948      V17633 
##     0.01672     1.19589    -1.10712     0.91087     0.82747     0.82666 
##      V19857      V11425      V16734       V3137       V7611      V17451 
##     0.81021    -0.79535    -0.79168     0.76315    -0.75806    -0.74216 
##       V9407      V10165      V10692      V18079      V15195      V18124 
##    -0.73168     0.72503    -0.72442    -0.70206    -0.69217     0.64493 
##      V10061      V11338       V3297       V4779      V19993      V10399 
##     0.63476     0.59524    -0.58129    -0.57781     0.57085    -0.56759 
##      V11311       V8527      V11238      V16738       V7527      V19599 
##    -0.56660     0.56580     0.55922    -0.55844     0.54260    -0.53113 
##      V16504       V7447       V9240       V2769      V18423      V14809 
##    -0.52702     0.51212     0.50956    -0.49778     0.48351    -0.47591 
##      V10193       V2707       V8645      V14476        V271       V6045 
##    -0.46911     0.46586     0.45852     0.44108    -0.43848    -0.41254 
##       V7681       V2891      V18605      V11883      V18563       V2200 
##     0.40246     0.35620     0.35218    -0.34953     0.33033    -0.31492 
##      V19651      V18198      V14620       V4521       V7219       V7257 
##    -0.30946     0.28250    -0.28178    -0.27187     0.26827    -0.26542 
##       V8512      V19174       V1976        V429       V8086      V14961 
##    -0.24532     0.23876     0.23275    -0.23151     0.22628     0.22058 
##       V9038       V3845       V9950      V19945       V6101      V16942 
##     0.20790     0.18985    -0.17692     0.17144    -0.15608     0.14826 
##      V14138      V14439      V16317       V1020      V14435       V4989 
##     0.14416     0.12220    -0.11686    -0.11430    -0.09818    -0.09571 
##      V15043        V293      V11170      V18509      V14340       V2239 
##     0.09477     0.09271     0.08407     0.07047     0.05934    -0.01955 
## Result:
##          Reference
## Predicted  0  1
##         0 51 42
##         1 27 30
##               AUC            Accuracy   Balanced accuracy   
##            0.5235              0.5400              0.5353

testroc <- pROC::roc(output$testy, output$predyp, direction = "<", quiet = TRUE)
inroc <- innercv_roc(fit2)
lines(inroc, col = 'blue')
lines(testroc, col = 'red')
legend('bottomright', legend = c("Nested CV", "Left-out inner CV folds", 
                                 "Test partition, non-nested filtering"), 
       col = c("black", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 2, bty = "n")

In this example the dataset is pure noise. Filtering of predictors on the whole dataset is a source of leakage of information about the test set, leading to substantially overoptimistic performance on the test set as measured by ROC AUC.

Figures A & B below show two commonly used, but biased methods in which cross-validation is used to fit models, but the result is a biased estimate of model performance. In scheme A, there is no hold-out test set at all, so there are two sources of bias/ data leakage: first, the filtering on the whole dataset, and second, the use of left-out CV folds for measuring performance. Left-out CV folds are known to lead to biased estimates of performance as the tuning parameters are ‘learnt’ from optimising the result on the left-out CV fold.

In scheme B, the CV is used to tune parameters and a hold-out set is used to measure performance, but information leakage occurs when filtering is applied to the whole dataset. Unfortunately this is commonly observed in many studies which apply differential expression analysis on the whole dataset to select predictors which are then passed to machine learning algorithms.